Carries Aint Free was created in season 2 of shadowlands. Since creation we have never missed an AOTC benchmark. Towards the ends of seasons we may dabble in mythic however, AOTC is our focus. We raid Tuesday & Wednesdays nights 8-10 30 pm est.
Currently we are looking for dps specifically mage and someone planning to main evoker.
We also have a great m+ community with in the guild. Feel free to check us out on raiderio but typically 90% of our active members achieve ksm.
Feel free to respond here or reach out to me on discord (Shancey#0686)
Still looking? I’m planning to main evoker in DF, but wouldn’t mind going mage if you’ve already gotten one
We are, we’ve got a couple mages now and 1 guildy is considering evoker. So I would say play whatever you’d like
We also could use another monk
7/8 Vault. could use a range dps or 2.
7of8 Vault.looking for few more range dps for our core group.
Could you potentially use a Warlock? I have a pretty stupid face IRL if that helps.
Yes we could use 1 more warlock. We are 8/8 normal Vault now as well.
We also have 1 open slot for Evoker/Monk or Shaman healer. Possibly a Disc Priest.
Managed to pug my way to 6/8 normal last week. I could be your evoker healer!
If you want to add me and we can chat its Mytheious#1106 That is my Bnet
Have room for the following healing classes. Shaman / Monk or Evoker. Possibly Disc priest. We are 8/8N Vaults.
Similar to what Mythk said, we could use a ranged dps and a heals. Melee feel free to apply, just a higher bar to clear.
Also a huge M+ culture. A number of KSMs already, and starting the push towards +20s.
We are 8/8n and got 3 almost 4 down on first night of heroics. High needs right now are Warlock and 1 more healer.
We are 5/8H now. Have 1 open slot for a healer. Raid day’s are Tues/Weds 8Est to 10:30Est
7/8H looking for a dps or 2.