Carns WoW Achievements with 400+ members on US servers, Cross Faction. Kind bunch of folks!

I have been playing since Vanilla launch. I was a gm of multiple guilds with the apex being over 400 members deep with 4 raid groups during BC at the tender ages between 14-18. My main server is Bleeding Hollow-US, I have all professions with ALL recipes max R3/R5 item levels 447 for PVE and 450 for pvp which is best item levels currently.

Im on daily, I make unique WoW guides, tips, tricks, gameplay, progess, and much more. I am on WoWHead every day leaving helpful comments as well as almost all social media. I have a community discord as well as my private discord. My community is brand new with 400+ members and there’s always lots of people to play with.

Free crafts for all veterans, elderly, and disabled players. If you are deaf you are more than welcome to join, I will make sure to personally help you however I can. I used to live with a deaf family for a long time and was able to attend a deaf wedding which was really cool and sweet.

I love cats and horror movies, so theres tons to talk about there with me as well as a die hard Spurs+Broncos. We actually got Wemby! More chips incoming.

I am an avid gamer and I play a ton of other games too.

My community is Carns WoW Achievements.
Check the social and leveling tab.
Select horde and alliance.
Type in community name and join.
It’s always on auto accept and Discord link never expires.

If you are brand new or lost your old account/info I can set you up on the Recruit A Friend promotion that Blizzard offers for free that gets us both a ton of goodies namely huge experience buff whenever we play together. This is great for alt rerolls on fresh servers and getting a bunch of folks to play together and start from scratch.

If you have any questions or concerns let me know!

Hope to see you there!