Carnagias here, I have all S3 recipes plus all DF recipes & party platter secret toy. Max KP all professions

OP: Carnagias here, I have all S3 recipes plus all DF recipes & party platter secret toy. Max KP all professions. Insights on hand to make auto rank 3/5 no proc, but I made a high lvl boe today with 3 bonus slots added and it came to 372/375 so those need procs looks like.
I have 2 precious baby cats my son Joker & daughter Harley Quinn so if you the el gatos please feel free to come and meet them even if you don’t watch my stream. =p
@Carnagias, DM me on BNET, Discord, or whenever I’m live @Twitch 12pm-10pm EST.

BNET is Carnagias#7400

Info below is from previous post:
Join my community Carns WoW Achievements with over 350+ members & our newly formed guild as of yesterday named Forevermore Carnivore, inspired by Carnagage, Edgar Allan Poe & my Vanilla OG Retribution Paladin main Carnagias, the community decided on the name:

I will personally provide starter gear, gold, leveling runs, and things of that ilk for new and returning players. I have 7 lvl 70s at ivl 447-450 for Rated PVP carries for Rated 2s and 3s all for free to help you get xmogs, rating, achievements, mounts, etc.

Additionally all community and guild members will all get free max rank crafts, I have plenty of insights and mettle and even mats if needed to help get your profession tools and gear up to the level you would like.

I have all professions max ranks on everything, I have 99% of all Dragonflight recipes, I have a ton of the new Naxxramas transmog recipes, I don’t have the tier yet, but I will have it very soon.

Community - Carns WoW Achievements

Cross Faction Guild - Forevermore Carnivore

Bleeding Hollow - US Top 10 ranked #8

The server is extremely competitive.

You can DM me directly for the Discord link if you would like.

Please DM me on Twitch, join the community on auto accept, or apply to the guild to get your invites please. I’m on now right now and will be all day long.

We do achievement runs, mount/item farming, Rated PVP, normal PVP, pet battles, make gold, raids, dungeons, Mythic+, old legacy content farms, & so much more.

There will be community transmog offs, transmount offs, pet offs, raffles, live community gameplay with fun highlights that the community can choose, help for new or returning players with things like the PVP system, mythic + guides, mythic+ and pvp carries, group leveling, weekly farms for blood tokens, conquest cap, professions etc, free crafts for all community members, guild bank access, Rated 2’s/3’s, Rated RBGs, Recruit A Friend, and a lot more.

More things will be added over time. For any brand new lvl 70s I will personally provide all BiS starter gear for PVE and PVP. We will also have open talk venting sessions for anything that’s bothering folks related to WoW like failed keys, constant raid wipes in pugs, etc. You can also vent about anything else being IRL or whatever the case may be. It’s crucial to make sure everyone isn’t getting so stressed out mentally that it’s affecting their well being and ability to have fun playing.