Cariel Roame in WoW (with cinematic CGI)

So, yes. Why the horde have the zappyboy in CGI? and alliance don’t have any? Even don’t have a decent CGI female character like Jaina, or Tyrande? Or any female human. Maybe blizzard have the answer you know. They don’t like much females. wink wink :wink:

Oh, yes. Cariel Roame looks great for be included in the game. Maybe a important new character with lore? not like the blue tusk guy from the horde or the deus exmachina vodi elfs or vulpera, i mean a good lore. Please. Thanks.

Had to google it, but this is a Hearthstone character?

seems neat, why not

Cool, Ally gets her as an “expansion guide” for next x-pack and Horde gets Zappy-Boi Zekhan.

Finally, some new characters that can rise to the forefront of the factions.

…and then we’ll end up killing them or having them get killed offscreen, a la Nazgrim and Taylor.

Ok, so which of them becomes the new lich king in 13.0?

We’ve been down the paladin path. Mage lich? Hunter lich. Necromancers