Careful running groups with Latino FTW or Alianca BR

Every time I’ve gotten an invite to dungeon with these guilds I’ve either been ninja looted or an attempt was made to screw someone out of loot.

The first time was in H CoS, I’m healing, 3/5 people are Latino FTW, Band of Guile drops, all 3 guild members need it, two of them non magic DPS, 1 is a ret pally. I won the roll thankfully. I’ve been in a couple more dungeon runs where I was invited and they were the majority, and it’s always been the same.

Same thing with Alianca BR. Most recent was yesterday. Healing HoL, 2/5 were Alianca BR - a warlock as PL, and DK. Ret pally in our group exciting days “I hope axe drops from Loren x) “. Warlock responds “DK needs”. Instantly I had a feeling they were going to try something. I messaged the pally and told them to roll need no matter what and that I would roll need if they tried something. Sure enough we get to loken…… warlock changes lead to the DK and immediately does a ready check - I knew exactly what they were about to do. I told the ret to pull boss to prevent setting up ML, slowed down heals and let the DK and lock die. Axe didn’t drop but there was intent to screw someone over. It’s the first time I’ve seen something like this happened by I’ve seen Alianca BR try the same thing with FTW did.

Anyways, avoid them if you can. Nothing but negative experiences if there’s 2+ of them in a run.

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