Caravan RP?

Heya folks, pretty new RPer to the server here. I’ve been mulling a lot of character ideas for a Vulpera around but one thing I’m curious about while I do so…how’s the Vulpera caravan community here? I know when they first dropped there were some caravan focused guilds, but are they still around much?

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There are a few, yes! I can’t comment specifically on the numbers because I feel like Shadowlands’ population is in a very nebulous, fluid state, but there’s a lively vulpera gathering in the Valley of Strength. Or Honor. I can’t ever remember which one is which. The one where everyone makes out.

Incidentally, if you start a caravan, let us know where you park it. We’ll be hanging out by this pile of oil-soaked rags and tinder.

There are a few caravans! I think there’s one called the Blackpaw Caravan that’s been floating about in Orgrimmar!