Captured in the wild

Pets captured in the wild can only be released.
why is this? can anybody speculate?

I think the original idea was that it would be something that got people to go out into the world, that even older bypassed zones would still have something of value to find, such as all of the zones through MoP all have at least one exclusive pet that can’t be captured anywhere else.

And too it gives everyone a fair shot at some of the rarer wild pets such as Minfernal or Restless Shadeling, instead of having them dominated by farmers to be put up on the AH.


Early in the MoP beta Blizzard changed it from allowing wild pets to be caged and placed on the AH to how the system is now.

I would imagine for the same reasons that Grarn posted above.

allowing players to go out and find these amazing creatures and providing a service to lazy people who want good things but arnt aware how to get them. i find nothing wrong with someone making money and providing a service

@Kyzera ok i thought we were able to cage them prior to mop. they change so many things its hard to know what the rule of the minute is

MoP was the expansion in which the pet battle system was introduced into the game. MoP also introduced the ability to capture pets in the wild via the pet battle system.

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Wild pets not being cageable is along the same lines as raid gear drops not being BoE. They are the reason to do the content. If you can just sell it then it dilutes the point.

I know people find a way to sell almost anything (carries etc) but I think it is nice to have at least some things left that you have to do yourself to get.