Can't withdraw money from guild bank

Even as guild master I cant withdraw even 1000g from my guild bank much less any amount, peroidically it will allow 10g or 100g or some small incriment like that but it just sits still when I hit accept, ive reset my user interface multiple times and tried different characters, which had a rank in the guild even they can’t withdraw with the correct permissions to do so.

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I’m having the same issue. All the characters in this guild are mine, I’ve tried most of them and the GM can’t even with 1 gold.

I’ve tried the suggested reset of the user interface. Doesn’t work.

Update: I can take like 50g or small amounts out. But the permission is set at 50,000g.

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I can attest that this works.


Anyone have any update on this issue? I assume DEV is working on it but its just crazy and unbelievably annoy, Luckily the withdrawing what’s in your bags and then reloading and redrawing does seem to work thank god. I literally put all my gold in my guild bank so i don’t have to toon hop for gold if and when I need it. Beyond thanks for that suggestion btw!!! HUGE HELP!

Im amazed this wasnt fixed with the patch