Can't win without getting flamed

Ret rogue, ret demo, ret destro, ret ww, ret dk, ret hunter aren’t viable? Or haven’t been viable in the last two years?


Not at a high rating. You can win games with anything obviously

Weird I’ve seen people playing those at r1 levels in shadowlands and dragon flight


Well I guess your 1st hand experience trumps the ladder record of the seasons in shadowlands and dragonflight

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Idek what this means

It means you can look this stuff up before you comment.

And best comps for ret was
Ret war
Re druid

And it only made up 8% of teams above 1800

Wouldn’t something played at r1 levels not accurately represent the ladder, but more accurately represent high level viability?

Also please don’t use 1800+ as the benchmark for high level it’s not an accurate reflection of active pvpers at a high level

No it doesnt because your 1 player with 1 opinion of their own 1 experience.

drustvar .com

So you can look at comps and their win %.

You wont find yourself a lot of ret comps with high win %

google “ad hominem fallacy”

also get reported on.

No and No

You got offended for him. The Volp player even replied with a cute sad hampster gif


I looked at drustvar and not only is the sample size incredibly small which means it’s not accurate are you talking about 2s or 3s???


You can change your sample size to whatever rating or season or expasion you want.

It doesnt matter ret is not the front of any rated arena. Im telling you

People have PTSD from these incredibly short OP buffs and asociate it to the entire existence of this class.

I can get you more links or feel free to keep looking up more statistic websites. That all use the same rated arena records.

You have neither the understanding of statistics nor the baseline wow exp to tell anyone how to feel about anything


Grow a pair is my advice. You say they have ptsd but you can’t handle being criticized for failing on a free class.


I think pallies are just fine post nerf. Whats more important is their transmog.

Can we get one day without having to deal with all this deepfried ret paladin verbal diarrhea


Yeah i think they are fine too, maybe even still a little strong. But unlike the warrior who is telling me to man up but also telling me I have a free class win, which is exactly the PTSD im talking about get annoying after awhile.

People out here eating, breathing, sleeping on the trauma of a paladin killing them in wow.

I just dont want to be told to end my own life over being a Paladin lol. Not the same

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OP regularly visits 4chan.


Getting flamed that much has gotta be fun… Its rare that the way I play makes someone soo mad they gotta go off on me lol. So thats good! Gotts to be hilarious!