Can't wait for the MM screenshot shares~

365k aimed shot in the face playing on my warlock, can’t wait to read everyone’s experience! Even more caster friendly meta!

Saw a clip of a 350k aimed shot already…

I expect nerfs after the new year but the next couple weeks will be interesting for clothies for sure.

Ugh i cant wait to get on my fully geared MM hunter when i get off work and go into a random bg with full consumables, runes, phials and zerker+ saltwater potion and delete clothies outta stealth :wink:

That’s my plan too. No reason not to have fun with this crazy decision :joy:

I do feel bad for mages though…they’ll be pretty unplayable in bgs

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Its gunna be epic cya on the battlefeild lol

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pew pew pew…

Sometimes you get lucky and you can jump around their head spamming instants as fire and they don’t keyboard fast enough to get off aims or sniper.

A whole lot of those literal keyboard turning backpeddling MM’s in bgs

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It’s ok some1 will come and say “but it’s melee meta in SS it doesn’t matter”.