Can't Wait For Dracthyr Mages

Imma roll a Dracthyr Frost Mage and be a Blizzard Wizard Lizard :smiley:


Don’t do it, you’re already a magnificent red waggling spacegoat!


-blinks in confusion- Dracthyr can already play a mage though. It’s called evoker.

Can’t cast blizzard. Is not wizard.


I wanna see lizards with the witch hat


it’s a class that casts spells at range, therefore its a mage.

When my Blizzard Wizard Lizard blinks in confusion, she is going to teleport randomly lol


They’re opening all classes (Cept DH and Druid) to Dracthyr next expensions. That’s what OP refers to.

Just like shaman and priest. All mages. :man_shrugging:


Yea i know, but it’s a friday and felt like being difficult for a bit on the forums while i wait for Garrosh to finish yapping his rp during my daily 40 run grind. I was referring to mage as the more general term for someone who uses magic rather than the actual wow class.

Usually people do that on Sunday.

I usually stay off the forums on sundays so i’m getting it in early.


You will be a demon hunter and you will like it


Massive offense taken.


So I chuckled a little too hard at this, enough that I shared it with my wife doing her thing on the other side of the room, and she also got a good laugh. XD

Seriously, though, if/when that happens, and we can keep the current racials; Glide, Soar, those two tail swipes, etc., PLUS be able to drop glacier sized chunks of ice on mobs as Frost Mages do… yeah I foresee yet another Main change in my future if this comes to be.

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I’m more excited about Dracthyr paladins. For some reason that sounds really cool to me.

As in TWW or the one after that?

Shaman is a mage then

Nothing like a holiday weekend :wink:

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Holy lizard.

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