I was farming the t5 reskin for my priest to use (Alliance Priest on Crushridge). I have all the pieces except for the chest:
Robe of Hateful Echoes
Drops from Hydross the Unstable from Serpentshrine Cavern (idk if this helps)
The chest dropped on my warrior (Horde Warrior on Kil’Jaeden). I cannot equip it on my priest, it doesn’t show up in my transmog options. Is there a reason why I cannot use it? Do I have to get the drop on my priest? I thought transmogs were account bound. Sorry, I normally don’t mess with mogs so I am rather confused with what is probably an easy answer.
In order for a piece of gear to be eligible to be placed in your Appearance Library, it must be acquired on a class that uses that particular armor or weapon type (i.e., it is the armor/weapon type for that class specifically).
Cloth: Mage, Priest, Warlock
Leather: Druid, Rogue, Monk, Demon Hunter
Mail: Hunter, Shaman
Plate: Warrior, Paladin, Death Knight
While a Warrior can technically equip a cloth piece of armor, it is NOT the armor type for a Warrior and therefore will not be counted as an appearance for transmog.
More info about transmog restrictions here:
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