Can't use Fated Fortune Cookie in Mythic Plus?

In Temple of the Jade Serpent, I was unable to use once the key was started. Oddly, it was showing error for Challenge Mode (This cannot be used in Challenge Mode).

Haven’t checked other DF dungeons yet, it could just be from the old restriction in CMs during MoP days or perhaps since when you start eating the cookie, it also “generates” a random Fortune Card and that might be causing the error?

Either way, this needs to be corrected ASAP please since we are getting into mid/high keys and it’s the best self buff food there if you don’t want to waste a feast for just one player’s death.


i had the same thing happen, but i was in shadowmoon, and had the same thought, so i tested again in a DF m+ and got the same error.

so, it’s every m+ :frowning:

This is the issue. Because it generates an item when you use it, and M+ doesn’t let you pick up items, that’s why you can’t use it.

Sure is a hell of an oversight.


Bump since this is still such an oversighted issue that needs to be looked at. No real reason to not be able to use your stat food in M+ other than the spaghetti code interaction that’s preventing it.


Bump. This is an annoying problem. Fated Fortune Cookie is recommended but cannot consume it during the M+ run. PLEASE FIX THIS BLIZZ.

Correct you cannot loot items in M+ so we can’t eat our fortune cookies in M+ after the timer started.

Solution: don’t die

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Yeah this is a massive oversight on blizzards part.

Same. I wanted to laugh so hard when it happened, because how did this get overlooked XD.

this could be such an easy fix instead of spawning the item just give the person the gold amount they would have got from the cards - only in M+ so as to not loot the item. how have they not fixed this yet?

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Fated Fortune Cookie still a problem. Cannot consume in the middle of M+. Even if I can sell the card that’s produced when consuming the cookie at the start of the dungeon, I cannot consume any more during the run. PLEASE FIX BLIZZ.

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and this is why feasts and alchemical flavor pocket are so valuable lol


Flavor pocket.

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Bumpy bump!

Just mail the generated fortune card when used DURING a key run please. Use some brains and solve this simple unnecessary self-created problem. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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I came here to say this. I play a Panda and that double food buff really matters, so I bought the embellishment and had a ring made. Not sorry about it at all :slight_smile: Its great

I got lucky with a drop on an alt from Community Feast and I slapped it on a 418 JC Ring to call it a day as well.

It, however, does NOT solve the issue in hand. Not everyone wants to spend gold to buy AFP from AH and then more gold for a crafted item. It also means, now I am dead locked on a Ring slot with that 418 JC Ring pretty much rest of the season even if I get a Ring with great stats from Vault which would clearly be an upgrade, I will lose this little convenient.

Not to mention the upcoming 424 (and upgradable even higher?) Ring from Forbidden Reach zone means I will either have to get rid of the other 421 Ring or replace this 418 one.

And again, what happens in next season? Upgrade JC Ring (assuming there will be crafted gear upgrades) or back to the same issue…

And lastly, in mid to lower keys where players don’t bother going for BiS crafted items anyway, the issue stays the same. And why the heck not change this behavior and be done with it forever, for all the future patches/xpacs rather than ignoring and dragging it?