I just recently made a Horde Demon Hunter and upon getting to the “I Believe You Can Fly” quest I went to Orgrimmar and found that I am unable to get on any of the elevators there. When I walk into the elevator shaft I can here the sound of the elevator but I am unable to see any moving platforms so I can’t get to the quest to complete it… I submitted a ticket for this and they told me to abandon the quest so now I don’t have the quest and can’t get it back it seems… Has anyone else experienced this please? Thanks for any input.
I just noticed that when I went to Razor Hill outside of Org. to try and get on a flight path to org. The NPC by the flight path is not even showing and I’m phased so no other players can see me in game.
You don’t need the quest to get flying. (It’s just there to show you where to go.) So, if you can get to the flying trainer, you’ll be good to go.
It sounds like you’ve got a phasing issue. The first thing to try is relogging, as that often clears up any phasing bugs.
If that doesn’t work, then it’s likely you have a quest phasing you. Keep in mind that in some cases, just being eligible for a quest can change your phasing, so just abandoning quests won’t always bring you back to the “main” phase. At level 30, the most likely culprits are the starting quests for various expansions. (The main ones being the BfA intro, Legion intro, Twilight Highlands, and the Vashj’ir intro.) The Legion, Twilight Highlands and Vashj’ir ones should only be a problem if you started them but didn’t finish them at some point. So, if you picked up those starter quests at any point, finish up the intros for them.
The BfA intro can cause problems in general as it’s the high priority phase until it’s completed.