Cant unlock Mechagnomes even though i have everything done

Hi as the title says i have done everything up to kill King Mecha and yet there is no quest in boralus or in stormwind i have wasted hours trying to get this done please help.


Youve gone to the embassy correct in SW.

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I have the banner shows both complete but no quest and no quest in boralus i have relogged no dice.

You have the achievement for completing the story line correct and its on this toon.

yes indeedy

The only thing i can think of is that u started another allied race and never finished it.

I have the other races unlocked so sadly it is not that.

Well try killing king mechagon see it that will do it.

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Also did that about 10 minutes ago and still nothing its alittle bit frustrating.

have you done this quest?

Turn on low quest tracking.

yeah i turned in the pod to the prince and no follow up was offered. also trivial quest tracking is on.

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i was under the impression that the rep requirement was removed…
but the tracker is saying that you still need the rep :woman_shrugging:

did you complete the Mechagonian Threat on a horde or alliance character?

First horde then after research on alliance the banner is showing I have all requirements not sure why no quest is popping I am trying to make my warlock a mechagnome.

Out of curiosity, have you unlocked the island on your alliance character?

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Yes I have I did all the questing including running the dungeon to kill king.

instead of “have you tried this/have you tried that”

…i’m just going to leave this here.

for some reason, the tracker doesn’t seem to be recognizing completion on your alliance character, so i don’t know what’s going on there.
see if you’re able to follow the unlock process used when the achievement is unlocked by a horde character

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This has been solved I guess I shouldn’t try to do these things at 2-3am lol I didn’t realize the urgent care was the allied quest I finished it and unlocked Mechagnomes ty all.


This is solution. Just did it with a friend, the rep grind is a troll.