Can't Unlock Gnoll Backpacks on Boosted Chararcter

Can’t find the vendor Scraps in Iskaara on boosted character since all the questlines are already completed (via boost). So I’m barred from ever unlocking the vendor Scraps (sells the Gnoll Backpacks from Renown page 29).

I’ve tried everything to find a way to unlock him like seeing if maybe the questline for the zone wasn’t actually completed but it is so there’s no way to actually do the Scraps questline.

Does anyone have a fix? I’ve reported this as a bug and every time I try contact support the “Try the Following” step leads to no text at all lol

GMS dont fix bugs so a ticket wouldnt have resulted in anything. Bug reports are a one way street also.


Are you unable to pick up the quest Scampering Scamps? The short questline to unlock Scaps is not directly part of the main Azure Span questline.

Edit: Also make sure you have trivial quest tracking turned on, it’s off by default. I’m unsure if a lvl 65 quest for a lvl 70 character counts as trivial, but can’t hurt.


I tested on a boosted character as well. They’re not there, unfortunately.

Following up on this after a hunch.

The bags are available at the renown vendor.

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