Can't Turn in "Welcome to the Resistance"

Trying to get to the point where I can unlock the Mechagnome race. I’ve abandoned the quest and redone it many times. I’ve logged out, I’ve tried /reload, and I’ve disabled addons. Nothing is working. WHY QUEST BROKE??? :slight_smile:


Did you ever resolve this issue? I ran into the same thing and haven’t found a solution.

Edit: This seems to occur when you initiate the quest to aid Mekkatorque (the one that Kelsey Steelspark harasses you about with “Hero your timing couldn’t b better…!” in Boralus Harbor) before unlocking the Rustbolt quests. I had to complete the entire line before I was able to turn in the “Welcome to the Resistance” quest.


Nearly 4 years later, same issue


Same issue as of Christmas 2023… tried dropping the quest multiple times and choosing to skip the tour, and the prince disappears each time so I cannot turn in the quest.


Here with the same issue in 2024.


I can’t turn this in either its driving me crazy grrr he’s never there to complete the quest I’ve even tried abandoning the quest and trying that way

You can drop the quest and ask him to do it again,
but this time tell him you don’t need a tour and you will be able to go to his end position (near the dungeon entrance) and complete the quest.

April 11 2024. Couldn’t turn in the quest. Tried dropping the quest, retaking it, then telling the Prince I don’t need the tour. Went to the turn in location and the Prince still doesn’t show up. Quest cannot be completed due to bad programming.


Prince Erazmin showed up for me to turn-in quest after I completed A Strong Heart, Ascension, The Future of Mechagon quests to get Mechagnome allied race. You need to be alliance at level 40 to get allied race. I haven’t tried on horde toon


I found somewhat of a solution to this. If you fly to where he’s supposed to be on the map fast enough, he will phase in for 2-3 seconds, giving you a chance to turn in the quest before he disappears. I was on my regular flying mount (not dragonriding), and I saw him appear and then disappear, so I turned around, went far enough to make the npcs of the area despawn, got on my dragonriding mount, flew to where he would be at max speed, and was able to turn in the quest this way lmao.
I haven’t tried accepting the subsequent quest this same way but it should work as well. Very annoying way to do it but it is doable this way.


I also had Prince Erazmin not appear when I wanted to turn in the quest Supplies from the Rustbolt Resistance, phasing out when I got near him. I had used the “fly in fast” trick before.

I had no relevant quests in my log, BUT today on searching around Rustbolt I found that one of the quests in the chain - Ascension - was available for my character to pick up:

I had already completed the chain on another character back in BfA. But when I picked up and completed Ascension and the rest of the chain, Prince Erazmin appeared on this character.

So I won’t have to use the fast-ambush technique in future!

I note that the US version of the support article for this has the helpful hint about the quest chain

but the EU version does not

5 years later here, the issue still persists.