Can't Transmog Weapons?

Every time I try to transmog my weapons by clicking “Apply” it doesn’t work. I have tried disabling all my addons, relogging, and tried on different characters but it only seems to happen on this character for some reason. Anyone else experiencing this?

Are you trying to use a xmog from a Covenant you’re no longer part of?

Any weapon transmog won’t apply.

Odd, I have mine mog’ed on all my characters.

I already have mine transmogged but I can’t transmog them to the original or to anything else.

They need to match weapon categories. They’ve made transmog really stupid where to transmog the Havoc artifact glaives onto a non-glaive you have to be Havoc spec to be able to use the drop down artifact tab to have the appearance as an option.

This is most evident on casters like warlock where you do not have the option to transmog the demonology artifact (Thal’kiel) onto staves unless you are demonology, and if you are using a 1H+offhand you cannot transmog Staff of Sargeras or Ulthalesh unless you are destro or affliction.

Even more maddening is you can transmog the floating skull onto an offhand, but if you have a mainhand sword, you cannot transmog the corresponding dagger appearance.

How they implemented transmog rules is ridiculous and cumbersome.

People should be able to use whatever weapon combo appearance each spec can normally use.

But Blizzard is always about half-assed measures.

I don’t really care about transmogging to an artifact I just want to transmog my weapons to anything :confused:

Its not working because you bought that conquest weapon when you werent kyrian so now that you changed cov you can’t mog it

I have the same issue where i’m stuck with a necrolord conquest shield i can’t mog now that i’m night fae

That is stupid, why would they make that a thing? Blizzard making a lot of very questionable decisions this expansion…

same issue… still not fixed

Apparently it is because if you switch a covenant with another covenants weapons you can’t transmog.