Can't Transmog Weapons After Switching Covenants

Still broken for me as well. Need a blue post.

This bug, is SO annoying man this is why people freak out when you do stuff like this blizz, you CANNOT TIE COSEMETICS TO NECESSITIES

If you dont want anyone uses the covenant appearances if they arent that covenant then guess what you can do about that? Make the weapons mog only? No stats, No primary stat, cosmetic items. The PvP vendors and raids should drop gear COMPLETELY separate from covenants

Wouldve never had this problem

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Funny how they hotfix gear dropping in TW, but not actual issues.
Like old content being harder, or covenant gear not being able to be mogged over if you switched, etcā€¦
Priorities seems off.

b u m p


please fix

pelagos put me off kyrian and now iā€™m being punished by having to keep their boring weapons :nauseated_face:

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It seems like this affects not just the covenant renown gear itself, but any gear you purchased using Nathria tokens from an armor/weaponsmith in your covenant hall prior to switching.

If this has been reported in the thread already, sorry, I havenā€™t read it all.

Having the same issue of not being able to transmog renown gear since switching covenants. Please fix!

My weapon is also bugged please fix.

fix this please, tired of my ugly kyrian mace.

ya please fix this i was kyrian and went venthyr and i pray every week that i get a 226 weapon to replace my kyrian weapon cause the tmog is butt with my venthyr set

@blizzard yā€™all gunna fix this or?

I also am having this issue. Iā€™ve asked three times for them to just replace my Night Fae 2h mace to the equivalent Kyrian 2h mace so that I can xmog it. ā€œWe are not doing any item replacements for this issue at this time. A fix is coming soon.ā€

Basically, swapping the weapon will solve the issue but theyā€™re too lazy to even do that while they wait for some junior dev to modify an if statement.

Iā€™m having the same problem. Blizz, please fix this, I cant transmog a necro shield after i switched to venthyrā€¦

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Same issue here. I have a Venthyr pvp weapon, switched to Kyrian and now cannot transmog 2H weapon.

same issue plz fix

blizzard fix this alreadyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy or give me the new covenant weapon so i can mog again

I am unable to transmog my conquest sword and shield. My only guess is it is because I bought them when I was Kyrian Covent, and now Iā€™m the vampire peopleā€¦Is this a bug?

Please fix this! I have had this ugly weapon for sooooo long. My dps is really taking a hit here!

Do the bump or I do the thump.

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fix your ish blizzard, unacceptable.

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