Hey, so i bought my conquest weapon this week and have swapped over to the Kyrian Covenant, meaning i still am using the night fae based fist weapon. Issue is i can’t seem to apply transmog to it anymore and thus it’s stuck using whatever appearance it had before the switch.
I did a few tests to make sure it was actually the weapon that wasn’t allowing me to apply any transmog sets i had, even using an heirloom weapon and using it the transmog applied so i do believe it is the covenant weapon that’s causing this issue. Thanks!
This happened to me as well I submitted a ticket but the GM did not seem to understand my issue. Seems not right to be unable to transmog my item (a shield in my case) just because I switched covenants. GM suggested I waste conquest to buy the same item in order to be able to transmog it again. I really think this is a bug and that it needs to be fixed. There is absolutely no reason why I shouldn’t be able to transmog my shield just because I swapped covenants.
Same thing happened to me today. I went from Necrolord to Night Fae and I cannot transmog my necrolord shield.
Same here… I was playing Night Fae first but then went Kyrian. Really don’t want to spend another 450 conquest with how capped we are getting it lmao.
Same but with the 2hander weapon. It’s stuck as night fae but I’m Venthyr now.
Bump all these threads FIX THIS BLIZZ.
it seems like blizzard doesnt care, i made a ticket and the response i got was that blizzard was aware of the problem and was looking for a way to fix it but currently no work around was available like … wtf
Same issue, I was NF but switched to NL, now I cant transmog my dagger. I had a transmog on it before, but I removed it to see if that would fix the problem, but it didn’t. Now I’m stuck with this fugly NF dagger that matches nothing else I have, at all.
We should keep spamming tickets until this is fixed.