Can't transfer from Wild Growth to Crusader-Strike?

Trying to move out of Wild Growth to CS since the horde population is so low, very difficult to find raid groups let alone tanks for regular dungeons.

Tried to use the in-game realm transfer, and the option to “continue” seems to be greyed out. Is this not supported? I could have sworn this was possible before in SoD?

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From my understanding there is alot of horde who want off CS for WG.

Also there isn’t transfer options for SoD. Unless you aren’t on WG or CS.

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Really? What’s the reasoning?

I play during odd-hours and org feels very dead most of the time. Impossible to pug a raid unless you’re playing during peak times.

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For people wanting to leave CS? World PvP. One faction is generally camping Karazahn Crypts and attunement quest locations preventing people from doing them. Alliance seems to be doing most of the camping atm.

For Blizzard not having transfers to WG from CS and vice versa? Because they don’t I guess.

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Ahh gotcha, thanks for the context. I guess the grass isn’t always greener.

But damn I wish it was a bit more populated at WG for Horde…

If they opened transfers between the two I have a feeling it probably would be a bit more populated because alot of Alliance and Horde players have not been having a good time on CS.