Can't Trade, Mail, or Use the Auction House: Official Blizzard Article

This is now the official line coming from Blizzard reps. I want to be clear here. The article they are citing was posted TODAY, at approximately 7 a.m. PST. DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AS AN ANSWER.

Retroactively citing an article posted almost a week after the first reporting of a problem, and claiming that “this is what you signed up for,” when:

  • All of these systems are advertised on their own free trial as subscription only features,
  • When people already had, and were retroactively denied access

And lets not forget this is after their answers were:

  • “Have you tried not playing the game for 12 hours?”
  • “You broke TOS.”

Did they do this to chew the clock until the patch so they could just say “Hey! Look at our new feature to prevent griefers!”, and then post this article at the same time to send everyone that’s been reporting it there, in hopes that they’ll just stop reporting it?

Yes. That’s exactly what I’m saying.

To be clear, this isn’t an attack on Rain, or anyone else. These are just the facts as they stand. This is unacceptable behavior for a company, and I just want my money back. That’s all.

Greetings (removed)

It seems you’re encountering WoW restrictions related to trading, mailing gold, or using the auction house on a character created as self-found or on a Seasonal realm. Your account has not met the requirement of purchasing and consuming at least 30 days of game time since 2017.

Here’s what you need to know:
• Self-Found Characters: You can turn off this limitation in-game if your character is self-found.
• Account Game Time Requirement: If your account has yet to consume at least 30 days of game time since 2017, you’ll need to wait until this criterion is met before accessing these features. This restriction includes a newly created account.

To resolve this issue:

  1. For Self-Found Characters: Check in-game settings to see if you can disable this restriction directly.
  2. Meeting Game Time Requirement: Ensure your account has consumed at least 30 days of game time since 2017. If not, you’ll need to wait until this condition is fulfilled to access trading, mailing gold, and using the auction house.

If you’ve already used 30 days of game time and are still facing restrictions, please follow these steps:
• Sign out of the game entirely for at least 12 hours.
• If the issue persists after this waiting period, I recommend reporting the bug on the WoW forums. Depending on your region, you can use the following links:
• NA:
• EU:

Reporting the issue on the forums will allow Blizzard’s support team to investigate further and provide specific assistance to resolve the restrictions you’re encountering.

I hope this helps, and good luck with getting back into the game without any issues!"

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dumb, so dumb…

They should mention this when you buy 30days of sub.

“Hey, you’ll have access to the game BUT not AH/Trading with your friends/mailbox in-game for those 30days.”