Can't switch forum characters

I can’t seem to switch between my toons here on the forums and I’m not sure why. All I get is a singular option for my Bnet name, but clicking it does nothing.


Try logging in and outva few dozen times.

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Only did it once, so maybe 11 more will help. :thinking:

Edit: And tried the update gear thing and now getting Lua errors. Yaaaay.

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I’m having this issue as well. It also says I have no characters when I try to switch mine.


I wonder if it has something to do with the armory being down


Same thing happening here to me since yesterday morning. Only when I logged out and back in again on the device I normally post on, it’s telling me I have 0 characters to post on, despite being able to login to my PC and post (on this character only) that way. I put in a ticket about it first thing yesterday and when they got back to me an hour ago, they said nothing was wrong on their end and then gave me a basic rundown of how to use the forums as though I’m a toddler that’s never been here.

To add a bit more, the site also acts as though I’m not actively subscribed until I go to my account page and look and see that I am not only actively subscribed, but paid up through March 2024.

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The only advice we can give is:

Most likely, as that’s where our character information is pulled from. So it’ll just be a waiting game until that is resolved.

blizzard fix ur website BLIZZARD!!!

Then post in the website bug forum your yelling at a brick wall here.

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Got moved there.


As an update, this seems to have resolved itself now. Had to do another cache clear, but yeah.

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