I can’t tell what the source of this problem is; it’s only happened twice so far, and I can’t spot a definitive common element, other than it’s happened in the Ringing Deeps.
My capture team is the Molten Corgi, the Feline Familiar, and the Sentinel’s Companion. Two times now, I’ve captured a Skittish Sniffler or a Snuffling, so I could check the skin colours in better lighting, and after it’s caged, I have not been able to swap out my Molten Corgi in order to finish the fight. Even when my Corgi has died, I can’t access either other pet. There’s no no-swap ability applied, at least not with a visible icon. I end up losing the captured pet because I have to quit the battle entirely.
I’m running Rematch, of course, and a handful of other pet-related addons. Has anybody run into this problem, and/or do you have any suggestions (other than Customer Support boilerplate answers) please?
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It’s probably an addon causing it. I haven’t had this issue, so I couldn’t say which one it is. It could even be a non pet addon. Unfortunately you’ll have to disable some addons and try to replicate the problem.
Be sure all your addons are up to date. Remember that old API code is no longer supported as of mid August. Even if the addon seems okay, it could be relying on some other source that’s not okay anymore.
Thank you for replying, Gianavel. It’s mostly what I would have got from Support, but it doesn’t mean you’re wrong at all.
If I could get the problem to reproduce, then at least I’d have a place to start, but it’s far too intermittent so far. 
I’ve found that clicking on the Swap button works, while pressing “4” doesn’t.
I hope this helps.
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I rarely (if ever) use the keypress for Swap, just mouseclick - but thank you for contributing. 
currently it seems to be the PetTracker addon, and the bug is that if your active pet is defeated, you cannot see your other pets to change.
You can swap if your pet is not defeated as normal
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I discovered this before I saw your response, so thank you for confirming it! I’ll see if I can find something on the addon creator’s spaces.