Currently renown 23. No quests active for the Venthyr campaign and nothing available for me to get the quest either. Anyone else having this issue?
I also cannot find or start the quest.
I am having the same issue the only thing that pops up is to rescue Lauren from the ember ward but I am fully caught up and have already done this.
Exactly the issue I’m having.
I am having the exact same issue!
I’m able to start but I get trapped in the first phase of the scenario in my own pocket dimension where nothing works.
Same, quest immediately was put into my log but the NPC isn’t spawning.
Tengo el mismo problema, me dice de rescatar a Laurent pero lo rescate hace tiempo.
I’m having the same issue. None of the other 3 had problems, but there’s nothing for this one.
I am having exactly the same issue with it requiring me to rescue Laurent from the ember ward in order to continue campaign, but I have already rescued him.
Having the same issue here,tried everything and still not working…Also tried to sent a ticket,waiting response…
Did you ever get the issue resolved? because I’m having the same issue right now
Nope still bugged :c
darn, that sucks hopefully this will be resolved soon.
Okay I just figured out how to start the campaign not sure if you did this or not but you have to complete the achievement called Sojourner of Revendreth then once you finish that Prince Renethal will give you the quest to start the campagin.
I just solved my issue you must complete the Mirror upgrade for your Coveneant hall. His questline starts in the ember ward and then you will be able to finally get your covenant quest for the week.
so do u need to do all the mirror upgrades?
Alright bois, I figured it out. Make sure to complete Mirror Making, Not Breaking - Quest - World of Warcraft (
Completed the short questline in 10 minutes and then Renethal had the quest for the campaign for me right after. Let me know if this helps anyone else.
This did the trick, thanks!
Use your Door of shadow behind Draven to continue quest.