Cant start shadowlands

With the recent changes that make SL raids soloable, I’m trying to run them on my best geared character. Like several people over the past couple of years, I’m unable to access quite a bit of content in Shadowlands aside from the two zones that the current season’s dungeons exist in. I’ve seen several other posts about this and spent hours googling the issue, but most threads either have no resolution, aren’t relevant, or offer potential solutions that I have tried, but which have failed. Here’s everything that’s happening and that I’ve tried:

  • The character (this one - Tinaga) was created after Shadowlands and never did any Shadowlands content.
  • Found and accepted the quest from the Ebon Knight guy in front of Stormwind Keep, and I chose the option to skip the Maw, which gave me a Shadowlands Campaign entry in my quest log.
  • I was then teleported to Oribos, where i would expect a quest to either continue the campaign or choose Threads of Fate. Instead, I teleported to the portal area, where several of the guard-type NPCs had the hostile stance I associate with first arriving in Oribos before completing the intro quest(s).
  • The questgiver who, if I recall correctly, meets you at the portal area is not present.
  • Upon going in to the city, Genn Greymane is present and offers the Eyes of the Wolf quest, but no other NPCS (e.g. covenant selection) are present.
  • The Innkeeper offers their usual quests, including the intro to the two rep quests in the basement. Those two quests are also offered.
  • No other quests givers are present. There are no portals on the second floor and no flight master.
  • Attempting to jump in to The Maw results in my character being teleported back to the elevators and stunned for a few seconds.
  • There is no sign of any quest NPCs or anything atop Icecrown Citadel. The sky looks normal.
  • I can teleport to Ardenweald or Bastion via this season’s M+ teleportation room. From there, flight paths are available to other zones (not to the Maw or ZM, obviously), and to the area to access the megadungeon. Using these flight paths, I was able to get to Revendreth and complete CN without issue.
  • There are no World Quests available, but the big treasures are.
  • No side quests or story quests are offered in any of the zones whatsoever.
  • As expected (since I’m not in any covenant), I get kicked out of covenant areas such as Elysian Hold.
  • I have the “Shadowlands Campaign” header in my quest log, and it says I have 1/2 chapters completed. ‘Through the Shattered Sky’ is completed, and ‘Arrival in the Shadowlands’ is greyed out, with its associated starter quest " Stranger in an Even Stranger Land " simply not popping up and not present in my quest log… Clicking the Shadowlands Campaign header to expand it results in nothing at all being shown below it (The TWW campaign, for example, tells me how to continue the campaign - the Shadowlands campaign has nothing at all).

I’ve tried virtually everything other threads have suggested. Logged off and on, went to multiple places to check multiple things, checked Chromie, the Adventure Guide, the Notice Board. I’ve tried partying up with another character who has done SL content on another account I have on this BNet ID and party synced with them - they wind up in the same state as the ‘broken’ character. If I had a third account or a friend handy, I imagine I could get summoned to the Maw or ZN raids without issue, but I’d rather be able to go there solo.

I’m really at my wit’s end with this issue. I’ve tried dozens of iterations on google searches, I’ve read through multiple threads ranging as far back as 2 years ago, with none of them providing any fix - though one did direct me to the Ebon Blade guy in Stormwind to get the quest to actually start SL, at least.

Any and all help would be appreciated. I’m just not sure what to do from here. Thanks!

Cannot enter the maw/torgahst lvl 70 - #28 by Lurvhandles-dathremar Look at the final 2 posts
As most people at Blizzard still haven’t worked it out yet. But through further investigation, trying to get the portals for Alyx (and the celebration) that’s what I had to do. Then basically what the intro to SL is.