Can't start quest "Summons from the Matriarch" (Liadrin not showing in Oribos)

Not sure whether this is a bug or intended. Before DF launched, I recall that my blood elf characters would see Lady Liadrin in Oribos (near the Org portal) with a starter quest available for the blood elf armor/mount questline. I figured I could come back and grab it once I started leveling my BE characters to 70 in DF, but ended up just grabbing the quest on my warrior (who currently still has it in his quest log).

My question is: is this questline now unavailable to start since DF launched? Or should I still be able to see Liadrin in Oribos? At the very least, I want to finish the questline on my paladin for the armor set…

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Were you ever able to resolve this? I’m in the exact same situation as you. My BE monk that was active during Shadowlands got the quest and still has quest. My BE Paladin (not boosted) still can’t see it and I’ve tried everything. Redid the heritage quest with him, exalted with Silvermoon, finished Shadowlands story, then covenant campaign, now almost finished Chains of Domination, still no quest. I’m now farther in the Shadowlands story on my BE Paladin than my BE monk who has the quest. Very frustrated.

Did you solve this?