Quest Name: Call of the Dream
Quest Name: A Sentinel’s Summon
Issue: Upon logging in 10.2, I was given the quest “Call of the dream” which states I still need to complete “The Coalition of Flames” storyline. Upon a little research I know the first quest for “The Coalition of Flames” quest line is a quest called, “A Sentinel’s Summon” which would have me report to Shandris at the foot of the stairs leading to The Seat of the Aspects. I can’t seem to find the quest anywhere, and Shandris is not in the spot she should be. I have not done the quest line before and do not have “Shandris Scouting Report” that allows you to skip questline. I don’t know if i am missing something, but i would very much like to complete this quest line so i can start the 10.2 content. Do you have any advice, suggestions, or any information i may have missed? I have looked on forums, asked other players in game, and cant find an answer to the issue. I have submitted a ticket to Blizzard, but wondered if anyone else may know the issue? Thank you in advance!