Can't start class hall campaign in 11.0 prepatch

I wanted to start hunter and paladin class campaign in Legion, Dalaran, but the npc that spawn in Dalaran when you first arrive with you character doestn’t spawn. I tried completing the Harbinger quest added in 10.5.7 that was phasing the quests, but it doesn’t work now.


70 boosted warlock, same here. Nobody shows up, can’t start/get to my class hall.

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I did do the entire harbinger quest line, and was able to start my class hall quest now.

Can confirm this works

I’m having the same issue with warrior :confused:

I have not been able to start the harbinger questline with my alts how do I do this?

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i am also unable to start the harbinger quest

Same problem with my lock, completed the board skip and pre-req, but no one shows up for the actual start of the class hall questline.

I also don’t have the harbinger quest, so that isn’t it.

Edit: Found that I have to complete The Harbinger questline in order to get to the correct phase of Dalaran. If you deleted the questline, go to your Adventure Guide > Suggested Content and start The Harbinger quest line (Hunt for the Harbinger) from there. After completion, you should have the correct phase with the NPC’s needed for class halls.

nope. my hunter has completed the harbinger, the return of legion opening questline, has even started and completed to level 75 TWW. and i still can not do artifacts, class hall, or hunter campaign. non of the npc show up.

Did you use the Adventure board and start the quest line manually? I had to do that to get it to start after Harbinger was done.