Can't stand Trade Chat

There’s literally zero RP in trade… There’s practically no TRADE in trade. It’s either immature banter or political discussion. Why do people play on this server when they could play on a normal one instead?



/leave 2 should solve your problem.

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Bait, there has never been a lot of RP in Trade. Just turn it off simple as that and post on your main so we can give you some hugs.


It’s easy, really: Enforce the rules and guidelines as a community.

The reason trade is the way it is on both ends is due to apathy and inaction from the community itself. This means getting a small group of people to agree to right click and report spamming and trolling.

This will issue silences and could lead to subsequent bans. You get the idea.

The question is more about how far you guys are willing to go and clean it up as a community effort.

If you’re going to complain and do nothing, nothing will get done and you’ll have plenty to complain about.

So in short:

It’s your fault. Stop being a cry baby and do something about it.

Who pissed in your oats this morning? You do realize there’s not enough staff at Blizz to do this? Take off those rose colored glasses man.

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I was thinking the same today, it seems to be worse even than on other servers =(


There shouldn’t be.

They’re trading words.

Very, very few people care about trade chat.

I bet you laugh at all of your own jokes, huh?

Not really, no. You?

It really is. I don’t know why non-Rp’ers play on a RP server… Makes zero sense.

… That weak, tired and lazy argument, huh?

People outnumber police officers on average at any given time yet arrests are still made and crimes are still prosecuted.

… What’s your point, Clem?


I’ll put this topic to rest.

If that’s how you really feel, then openly attack someone’s race, religion, sexual orientation, gender or threaten real life violence and let me know how that turns out Mr. Level 15 alt.

I honestly think you’re just finding something to complain about because you really have nothing to say and would rather have an opinion over a solution.

plants a flag of ownership on the body of this topic

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That argument literally makes no sense. I’m asking why play on a roleplay server when you aren’t roleplaying?

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Hi, I’m the internet. We might not have met before, but I’m the definition of human garbage. I enjoy sh!tposting and being an edgy meme lord whenever I’m given a public forum. Sensible people see me for what I am and ignore me, but I thrive on the 1% of window lickers who don’t know better than to not give me the attention I need to continue broadcasting my autism. Thank you for being that 1%.

I’m praying for you.

Not gonna lie: Been looking for an excuse to post what I did for a while.

This guy just opened that window.

Before the realms got effed up ED was RPPVP and had PVPers. It isn’t a normal RP realm and tons of us people like me, frown on the RP that does exist. If this is being posted on my Paladin, she was made on ED but I moved her to Illidan because i needed my surroundings to be good PvP’ers and not look hard for them. So, unlike other 100% RP servers, you don’t see a ton of RP for good reasons.

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I don’t care if it was RPPVP, people who didn’t want to RP can go to a PVP server… Get off our RP one.

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Boy you’re in Ruin.

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There’s plenty of weekly RP events on the Horde side. Less sure on the specifics on the Blue Team but I know it’s a similar arrangement.

There typically isn’t any RP in Trade Chat I’m familar with. I occasionally post guild advertisements that are written as propaganda but that’s for my own amusement. I’d find it odd if someone tried to do an IC response to it in Trade Chat.

Most of the RPs done in /s character to character which is what I prefer. I’ve seen Guilds that have IC chat but, eh, that’s a bit much for me. I prefer RP as an actual activity I’m involved in but different strokes for different folks.

If youre having trouble finding RP on either side you can contact me at MikeVonFaust#1529 on BNet and I’ll help ya out.

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