Is it just me, or a random hiccup, or is inviting your own alts (same account) broken currently? Or perhaps intentionally nerfed?
Start a Custom LFG (private or not, neither worked), alt+f4, launch client, search for group on an alt - not there. Log back in on main who listed group, notice Group Finder isn’t running anymore - your group listing was killed entirely.
Nerfed? Or am I special.
[EDIT] Title to reflect the actual issue.
Couldn’t find documentation of this change anywhere.
This is a HUGE deal if you create raids or groups solo to farm old content.
As simple as creating a group in LFG, killing client (should anyone thinking ‘logging out’ now does it), log into another character, searching LFG - not there. Or simply creating group, killing client, log back into same character - notice you’re not in queued in group finder anymore.
Fix, please? Or are you encouraging 2nd accounts to do the same? Let us know, officially, either way, please.
After further testing and help from Discord WoW groups… it seems that, silently, this has indeed been nerfed, for anyone who doesn’t use an authenticator app. Which I haven’t done, in like a decade.
Attached the app, waited an hour (there’s no indication of actual success, despite your account saying so, so just wait an hour if you’re searching this up) after a dozen logins showed no additional bag-space (the perk of an authenticator) but once it did, I was able to list solo-account groups again.
In short - want to solo farm old achieves/etc? Need to attach the authenticator. Was this ever mentioned?