Can't Select "Tentative" on Guild Event in Calendar

I can not select “Tentative” on any guild event in calendar. When I press it, nothing happens. I can select “Sign Up”, and I can remove myself. Another guild mate mentioned they had the same issue.


Having the same issue.

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bump - same here

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bump - this is still an issue!

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Bump – this issue is still there!

Same here.
Went to a 13lvl bank alt with a guild bank. Created an event and invited my main. logged into main and was able to select tentative with no issue. But my mains guild event is still a no go for tentative. I noticed the same issue earlier this month with a community calendar event. My bank alt has 1/2 as many addons as my main. So, I disabled all addons and tried to set tentative with my guild event; again a no go for tentative.
Completed a scan and repair on the game and did the whole rigamarole all over again; still not able to select tentative.
Only diff I saw with the calendar event from my alt bank guild event and my mains guild event is the number of buttons displayed. Bank alts guild event had 4 buttons… accept, decline, tentative, and remove. With my mains guild event only buttons sign up, tentative and remove.

It would be nice to get a blues comment/acknowledgement on this issue.

same issue here

Also having this issue.

Me as well, and at least 5 people in my guild when I asked about it in gchat.

Let’s try a UI reset and see if that helps.
(You can make a backup of the folders involved in the reset before doing it.)

Still having this issue…

It’s still an issue for me too.

It’s still an issue for me too.

Disabled all add-ons, still an issue. :frowning:

This has finally been fixed, for me at least. I can sign up as tentative again.