Can't select azerite armor traits

Since the 11.0 patch, you can no longer chose new, or swap traits on azerite armor. All addons are disabled, so nothing on my end should be bugging it.

*EDIT: No, todays patch did NOT fix this issue. You can still not select azerite traits. Confused as to what would break this in the first place.


Same, tried on multiple characters, addons disabled.


I just want a new speed set for mog farming ):

It is oddly enough not completely broken. After spamming accept for a few minutes, I was eventually able to successfully place a single talent point into one of them

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on the purple gear u can activate the first wheel but after that u cant activate the rest and the blue gear doesnt work at all. hopefully this gets fixed


Same trouble here, hope he fix comes soon. In the meantime I guess I’ll farm the other parts of the set…


This problem makes it impossible for new eng to farm the mount parts in THE MOTHERLODE!


I’m also hopeful that they are able to fix this soon. I just finally used my Dragonflight character boost on a Zandalari druid, and she can’t get any of the azerite gear to work either.


serious? cause I would spam for an hour if it will work lol


Me as well.

Been wanting to get a speedset going for my DH for running old content and unlocking appearances for the Warband. I grabbed some Azerite gear running Freehold and now I can’t choose any abilities. I get a confirmation box, and then nothing happens.

I tried to attach some pics but I can’t figure out how. wamp wamp.


Today’s patch did nerf the speed on azerite armor. Still didn’t fix the ability to choose powers on new armor.

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The issue has been fixed, you just need to activate the Azerite powers in the BFA capital. Did they go overboard with the nerf? Yes, quite a bit, but at least we can now select the powers.

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Ah you’re right, I can place them now. I guess the nerf bugged it. But yeah the nerf doesn’t feel good. I’m happy they didn’t just completely get rid of the ability to make the set (which is what I was starting to think was happening…)