Can't seem to pull off good DPS

Hello everyone, first things first this is not a Q.Q fourm post I’m asking for actual good advice on how to get better dps. Whenever I join a raid or a mythic+ Dungeon it seems like im always struggling to pull off good dps, I don’t know if it has to do with my gear or my rotation it seems like I’m always pretty low on the dps charts and it makes me really upset. I’ve been playing this warrior for a pretty long time and I’ve never had this problem in Legion its just in BFA.
Does anyone have any advice on what to do? I would post a link to my character so you can see my gear but it wont let me for some reason

You need a new off hand and new trinkets. Off-hand comes from Siege or KR, trinkets are rezans eye from AD and block from WM. Fury dps is very much tied into weapon dps, better weapons=better numbers. In my personal opinion drop Cold steel hot blood and look for reckless fury until you’re getting 400+ azerite, and then see if your gear supports 20%+ crit.

It’s an either or for fury, if you’re running cold steel hot blood then crit is more important than everything, if not then its haste.

Lastly remember when you’re doing AoE that you use whirlwind, then 2 single target abilities, then whirlwind again until there’s only 1 target left.

Thanks a lot for the advice, I’ll try to get a better offhand and trinkets reset just happen so couldn’t hurt to grind hard.
One last thing is I have been working on doing my whirlwind a little better I seem to always time it wrong.

There isn’t a way to time anything wrong really. There is a priority list with fury which is always using rampage when its up, keeping bloodthirst on cd and not letting raging blow hit 2 stacks(because then you’re essentially losing potential uptime from it recharging a stack).

For now, whatever you’re about to do, do ww first and then count off 2 abilities (dragons roar not included) and then WW again. It should help your dps until you’re ready to start diving deeper into the rotation. It isn’t a hard rotation, but knowing your priorities so you dont have to think about what to press when there’s so much else going is the goal.

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Sim yourself, often. RF vs CsHb isn’t as much ilvl related as it is gear related. Although for m+, CsHb does gain value due to having cleave potential. But if RF sims significantly higher, say .5% or more, use it.

Top Gear is your friend.

You want a SR trait. You currently have a GS trait, so you should be using bladestorm.

Get rid of Liberator’s Might. Doesn’t really matter what the other choice is.