Hey so i recently created a new character and used my BFA 110 boost on it. I made it on Moonguard so when i’m bored I can go screw around in Goldshire but when i go to Goldshire there is no one there. Then i go make a level 1 toon on Moonguard and I see everyone there. what is my problem.
Probably phasing due to quests.
Same problem, tried abandoning all my quests… everyone, still alone in Goldshire, see one other player every now and then.
Why necro an old thread?
Make sure war-mode is set to off. Most people on RP realms have war-mode off, having it on phases you away from them outside of Stormwind and other cities.
Make sure you are not in Chromie time. Talk to Chromie and ask her to return you to the present time-line. If you are in any other timeline, you will be phased from others not in that timeline which is most people in RP centers.
Are you in a major questline for an expansion? Either drop such quests or complete the questline though I’m unaware of any off the top of my head that phase all of Elwynn.
Same for me. But only new created characters are alone in Goldshire… Others that I transferred see everything normal…?
The same thing happened to me. Once I got out of Chromy time it was fine.