Can't say I'm surprised

Yes, another fury warrior season 4 post. Seeing a ton of posts about low dps, needing buffs, and the “voted” season 4 tier bonus. As the title implies, I’m not surprised at all. The “tuning” they did for the season 4 bonus was insignificant. In PVE, single target dps is what kills bosses. Season 3’s set bonus favored single target but combined with using whirlwind to add some cleave and the Odyn’s fury, AoE dmg was fine. If you were prioritizing your stats and rotation properly, then Odyn’s fury saw a lot of use. I never found myself lacking dmg on trash pulls.

Blizzard can fix this one of two ways. 1) Buff the dps of fury/season 4 set bonus or 2) Switch the bonus to Season 3’s bonus.(This would probably required chonky hotfix)

Anyway that is my two cents.


thanks to streamers like critcake and his stupid fans


Has it ever crossed your mind that the reason why people voted this set was not because of damage, but because so many didn’t like playing annihilator?

Yes, it did cross my mind. I’d be the first to tell you that I prefer raging blow over slam and that I think Ravager is a cool ability. I didn’t see a difference in how many actions I was performing between season 2 and 3.

It doesn’t change the fact that between season 2 and season 3 damage output. Season 3 is going to win every time. Six 450,000 dmg bloodthirsts in a row, when a target hits execute range is pretty amazing compared to a single 200,000 dmg bloodthirst that requires me to get stacks from rampage.

Again, blizzard only has two options to fix this 1) buff fury warriors and the set bonus more or 2) Hotfix and switch the set bonus to Season 3.

With that being said and putting aside “playstyle” preference. The warrior community can agree that Fury is under-performing currently and that it needs to change.

And yet voting for season 1 would’ve wielded the same result and with a better set bonus, funnily enough.

Yea, but s1 had some pretty significant problems, it would have needed to be re designed.

And what problems were those?

Crit on execute, which already has a high chance to crit.

Only if you take Ashen Juggernaut, and we only really take that in single target. In fact one could argue that the 2 set from season 1 means we do not need to take Ashen, freeing up a talent slot. Considering how high our crit chance is now compared to season 1. And recklessness’ high uptime with the AM build.

But you’re likely gonna take ashen with execute centric builds anyway.

They could just change ashen to increase the damage instead of increasing crit.

And then s1 set should be fine. Mostly.

He is running arms too. What a lol.

So one has to wonder if he intentionally wanted fury to have its worst DF set bonus so he did not feel ‘pressured’ to play fury.


Honestly I just don’t know if he is such a great critical thinker. He is a great player, but I’m not too impressed by his strategy. I haven’t watched anything of his since S1, but a couple of times I was like “Dude… no. The reason you got through that is you and your group are exceptional at reacting to, and avoiding, the chaotic mess you caused.” I’m thinking particularly of his boulder management in RLP. :fire: :melting_face: :fire:

I hope his chat is blowing up with people telling him to play fury and show us all how it is done.

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I think that’s just an issue with people glorifying somewhat popular or more seen streamers, they take their word as gospel when a lot of times what they’re looking up to are people who also don’t have the ability to think for themselves and end up parroting nonsense therefore spreading it as a result.

This is a pretty big issue in the WoW community where class echo chambers glorify certain people who are just people at the end of the day and even they aren’t infallible, even if they think they aren’t. This is even more prevalent in how votes were effected by certain players of each spec where it’s also lead certain specs into an awful S4 start compared to what would’ve been if they used an ounce of critical thinking.


Cult of personaaaaaaaaaality tu tura tu ta tu tura tu ta tu tura tu ta

No he genuinely enjoys the AM ravager build because you theoretically have Cooldowns with every trash pack allowing for more consistent damage in M+.

But a player like Critcake is always going to play whatever is stronger, regardless of playstyle or spec.

Honestly I felt my damage was more consistent in m+ with odyn’s fury. Season 3 did great damage with just odyn’s fury if you properly use it and maximize the 3 bloodthirsts. Season 3 had a great balance of aoe and ST and we lost that with season 4