Can't rename pets?

Is this a bug or just a new feature that you cannot rename pets that “named mobs” this could be anything from Elegon to Strider Clutchmother - the rename option no longer appears once you tame them. I find that very odd, however you can still buy a Certificate of Ownership and rename them.


I noticed this while leveling my dark iron hunter, and she’s only level 23. I did not have the option to rename my pet after taming it. I just figured this was having to do with being a certain level. I then went on my main later on setting up my talents and such, and tried to rename one of my pets and it would allow me to do so, but I got an error message. From common to uncommon names, nothing worked for me at all. The error I received said cannot name because of invalid characters.

I am hoping this is just a bug. I’ve reported it in game, but haven’t looked through the report bug section to see if there was a post on this yet.

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I tamed a pair of Elegons today, and was able to rename both of them just fine, so I’m not sure what’s going on here. Is it possible you have an addon interferring with the menu or the function?

Edit: also, Elegon, in contrast to other named tames, did not retain his/her/its name after taming, for either of them. So maybe that’s the difference. I feel like I encountered the whole need for a Certificate even for first naming when I tamed Faultline a couple months ago. Maybe mobs that inherit a name aren’t intended to be nameable without a Certificate?

I also notice and submitted a ticket to ask if it is a bug, that pets with special and bonus abilities are gone from the Spell Book (Pet Section)

I’m honestly not sure if there’s a pattern here. Most of them still appear to be there. My carrion bird still has Trick (“bonus ability”). My feathermane still has Updraft (ability is classified as exotic, but non-exotic family). My core hound still has Molten Hide (which is an exotic ability on an exotic pet family, so it’s not just that exotic abilities got moved to a higher level). My devilsaur has Feast (also an exotic ability and exotic family). My water strider has Surface Trot (exotic ability, exotic family). My spirit beast has Spirit Mend (exotic/exotic).

So it seems as if only clefthooves lost their exotic ability until somewhere between 50 and 60. I’ve yet to find another one missing at 50.

That said, note that that is unrelated to this thread. This thread was about being able to rename a newly tamed pet.

Understood I took as it being pet related issues just thought I would bring it up, ill keep it in mind for the future

No worries! Apparently Hunters got a host of bugs that I haven’t seen in other classes - I didn’t actually notice that spells were missing but then again, I had heard that they were taking away all the dispel abilites + nerfing spirit mend, so I think I just naturally assumed anything missing was due to that, apparently not


Ah, ya, three entirely separate things, actually. They replaced the dispel ability with a pet cleanse, because they moved the effect to Tranq Shot (much requested change, too). Separately, they also nerfed Spirit Mend, because it was frankly way too strong in SL (it was basically a second Exhilaration that was also off the GCD, freely targetable on friendlies, and had 1/6th the cooldown, in exchange for occurring over 10s instead of instantly). And then separately from both of those, they also seem to either have decided that Blood of the Rhino should be learned later, or forgotten to adjust it for the level squish. All related to pet abilities, but all very separate and unrelated changes.

I’m reasonably certain this is a squish related bug, given no other Exotics have this issue.

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I am also having the same issue with not being able to rename new pets. I even turned off all my addons to make sure that it is not a conflict issue. I would like to see an answer from Blizz on what is going on here.


Was the pet previously named? If so, you need a Certificate of Ownership to rename a pet after the first time.

Was the pet a named mob before the tame, that then retained its name after the tame? Most but not all named mobs that are tamed retain their name. I believe I recall that “counting” as the first rename, and needing a Certificate to rename them once tamed.


Today I logged my dark iron hunter and was able to name the pet I tamed the other day… so it magically fixed itself. I have not tried my main hunter yet, but the pet I was trying to name was not previously named. It was a fresh tamed with the generic “wolf” tag. I did grab it from my stable because I was switching out pets, so maybe it encountered a bug because it was my first time calling the pet out in a very long time. Who knows!

Glad to have found this post. Can’t rename my freshly tamed pet either here…

Blizz, a feedback on this would be appreciated.


Keep in mind sometimes when you rename a pet, it doesn’t tell you, but it doesn’t let you because it’s against the naming policy. For example, I could not name my pet nova. :roll_eyes:

This thread is about players not even having the rename option in the first place, not the rename failing to “take”. It seems to be a new problem as of around 8.3 with pets that keep their name when tamed. Previously, they could still be renamed, but since somewhere between 8.3 and shortly before 9.0, that was changed to requiring a Certificate of Ownership to name them even the first time (ie. rename them from their default retained name after taming).


From what I tested, it seems like you can’t rename spirit beasts without the Certificate of Ownership anymore, but you can rename “normal” beasts.

I had to used certificate of ownership to rename all my named on tame companions.

I’m new to hunter though, so I just figured this was normal.


Naw, giving pets their initial name is free. Used to be free even for pets that keep their name when tamed. That seems to have changed.


Did anyone find out if this issue is a bug or if it’s an unannounced permanent change? Today I tamed a Feathermane called “Nemaeus” and there is no option to change the name.

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I tamed two moths today and I’m unable to name them. No matter what I type in, it says it has invalid characters.