With LFR queueing being introduced for Shadowlands raid, I found that I’m unable to queue for Sanctum of Domination. It says, “You do not meet the requirements for the chosen dungeons.” Which I figured it had to do something with my Evoker, so i swapped to a character that has completed the whole shadowlands storyline and it still gives the same message.
I am unable to queue for sepulcher as well.
You’re likely not going to find…anyone for those raids, sadly. And as of this point LFR is not soloable for Shadowlands: You’d get chopped up trying it.
I’m guessing LFR NPCs or difficulties will be added for those raids eventually, but as of right now they aren’t around.
Sorry, I need to clarify, with the newest patch for Dragonflight, blizzard has added a NPC that allows players to solo queue for those LFRs now. I’m sure I’d get chopped up, but it is not even allowing me to queue for SoD or SotFO through that NPC. But I am able to solo queue for Castle Natheria
Huh. I’m spitballing here, maybe it’s a work in progress? Doesn’t sound like an addon thing.
Best shot at this stage is maybe make a post in General Discussion and seeing if other players have further input? Gonna have to say I’m ignorant beyond my initial post.
I also see the same issue. I can only queue for Castle Nathria as well (up to Audience with Arrogance).
The NPC lists the wings for all the other raids, but I see the same error message as you did.
On Tuesday you were able to use the LFR tool to queue for Shadowlands wings, just like you would any Dragonflight raid.
That option is now gone so I wonder if it got broken when they patched that part back out. I haven’t tried queueing for any of them.
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You speak without knowledge and inexperience.
10.1.5 added a Npc that lets you que for Shadowlands LFR.
This LFR tool works for Castle Nath, but not the other two raids for some reason. (Point of the thread)
The bosses do not ‘chop’ you, they hit for 400-1000 damage, any minor amount of selfhealing makes it Trivial.
Well heck, you could just help out the person without slinging mud at me. I’ll admit I ain’t knowledgeable about every single thing. Last I checked BfA raids were still unscaled so figured SL was too.
And like I said, could very well be works in progress still so may get those other raids later.
If you’re not knowledgeable about something then don’t speak about it. Spreading misinformation like say there aren’t NPCs to que for it for example.
Having the same issue, was thinking it was the storylines, evidently it is not. Please fix!
not true, and hr after the patch came out i solo’d three bosses in the dark bastille wing and then left and tried to q for the second wing and got the same “You do not meet the requirements for the chosen dungeons.” message. hasnt worked since. really weird.
same here, i just want to farm my mogs.
cmon blizzard, dont wait till next patch to fix this
Most bosses are fine. People were doing them on the PTR. Only certain bosses like Kel’thuzad are impossible atm due to either insta death mechanics or fights resetting when no-one is in a certain realm.
BFA raids have been scaled though. Myself and two others were able to do Mythic N’zoth. It wasn’t a walk in the park but that was mainly due to the sanity mechanic, which works differently on mythic and paranoia doing tons of damage (which can be avoided by doing the mechanic correctly).
Seems to be fixed now. Currently in LFR with my warrior