Can't Queue Arathi Basin at Refuge Pointe?


There is no NPC located at Refuge Pointe to queue for AB. You also cannot queue by walking into the red instance entrance. Currently, it appears there is no way to queue for AB here.

Is this intended? Why?

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Yeah none of the gates are working as far as I can tell. I’ve tried to queue from all three.

There’s something wrong with queuing at all the BG world portals and it’s been like that since the PTR. It’s also been reported on the bug report forum. It doesn’t seem like a huge deal to fix so who knows why they haven’t.

Strange… okay

If this is Hardcore it’s not a bug - Battlegrounds are disabled

The problem is still happening on the regular Era realms even though it probably got disabled at first for hardcore.

On the first day of the PVP PTR I ran a toon to the WSG portal and tried to queue there and it didn’t work. I reported it then as well but it still does not work.