Can't push Gladiator- nobody playing

MMR is meme level screwed up rn.

Qued during the day yesterday around 25 mmr (the mmr ud assume people farming there glad wins should be at)

It was hansol queing godcomp, dipi stahp and corey queing godcomp and hotsjkpurge and woopy playing turbo. All of these players have chars or have been 31+ cr this season I don’t really see how your average glad pusher is expected to have a chance.

Fixing mmr would make the average players glad push much more realistic…


What time are you queueing at? This has actually been one of the most popular seasons of PVP – per Blizzard’s internal data.

In my personal experience, playing at prime time, I see queues pretty quickly still. That could be because I’m competing at the top of the ladder though. :man_shrugging:

I’ll check on my alt to see if 2200 queues are popping.

Yeah, me too. It must be a bug of some sort. I’ll submit a bug report.

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Alliance is actually worse. I’m trying to push Elite, but like when I go into LFG there’s like NO ONE above 1800. :flushed: :hushed: :astonished: :astonished: :astonished:

:thinking: :face_with_monocle: who?

I have zero idea what you’re talking about. If you’re trying to queue double dps, then yeah i’m going to decline you. Not interested. Have a problem with that, then dont apply. /shrug :wink:

‘recent seasons’ was some serious low bars from the last half of failing BfA

participation sucks with most briefly touching it and then bailing

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For 2’s are there that many people trying to push to elite? I mean there is no Rank 1 title is there?

I always felt 2’s was the intro to arena but I want their input for those that are pushing on their mindset ( as to why they push to elite in 2’s and not try 3’s)

Doubt it. I think most players right now are still trying to push above 1800 for 220 gear. I see them all the time in LFG “1700 lf 1800 carry” . Come to think of it, if I were a booster, i’d probably be swimming in gold right now. Too bad for them im NOT a booster and i DONT need the gold. :slightly_smiling_face: If I can get above 1800, then i’m pretty sure everyone should be able to. According to these forums, i’m not a very good player /shrug . :surfing_man: :surfing_man: :surfing_man:

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my bad had to fix it for u since blizz is bad

Look up the definition of this word.

Participation != Popularity

Example of misuse: “Paying taxes is popular”


I have not been able to get in a decent queue session in over 4 weeks, my entire friends list is on TBC.

Swap horde and Q with me :((((

While in a vacuum that’s true, context can skew things. Not really fair to use an example of taxes to compare to a video game. Taxes have high “participation” because it’s mandated. WoW isn’t mandated. It’s the furthest thing from it. One could (easily) argue that participation in a voluntary event does indeed mean it’s popular.

Not you too Merf

I’m not talking about playing the game. I talking about raiders/high keys feeling that it was “mandatory” to do rated pvp for gear. That is what made rated pvp more “popular” at the beginning of the season.

Maybe partially, but queues are dead at high rating when they weren’t at the start. The issue is the game hasn’t changed in 6 months and there’s no reason to queue.

The issue at the high end of arena is mmr is screwed up so people above 2900 have 0 reason to q as they would only lose rating.

If we got an mmr buff and people above 29 didnt feel safe you would see a massive top end pvp increase.

Was queing last night around 25 mmr which is where people pushing glad should be and it was nothing but like top tier r1 players lol I have no idea how your average player is supposed to get glad right now.


We did get an MMR buff, but it doesn’t matter because no one high enough to benefit from it has incentive. If they queued they’d just queue into 2600 teams and gain 0 lose 20. The only solution that works is deflation.

I think the mmr buff they tried to do was to remove the upward cap on mmr which is a joke because by the time they did that no one was remotely close to it and had no way to reach it.

We need a straight juice mmr+200 to the ladder there needs to be something that scares the people who are sitting into queing once that happens the ladder will fix itself.

I’m just talking about what happened initially. And Blizzard and their sockpuppets are still pointing at the high initial participation in order to say that everything is fine.