Can't progress on new alt for BFA content

I didn’t find exactly my case so I will post all the conditions of why I consider this a bug:

  1. Before patch I was level 101, after pre-patch I went to lvl 40
  2. Went to do Cromie timewalk for Legion Content
  3. Level up to level 50 all in Legion
  4. Inmediatly went out of Timewalking phase
  5. Got the quest for the Legendary Neck from Magni and complete it (and I got the heart of azeroth equipped since)
  6. Went to Boralus and got the “Uniting Kul Tiras” quest, so I unlocked word quest on BFA
  7. Can’t do any other content

No other quest pop like on my other chars before pre-patch, I can’t do follower missions, Nazjatar, Mechanon, Legendary Cloak, Essences, nothing… I can’t even zone to Zandalar or horde territory because the boat captain doesn’t give me the option, some will argue that I can wait for the pre-patch content but I want to gear on the meanwhile to do word quest faster or Nyalotha or whatever, I mean why I couldn’t do the content that I want on a new char?

Openned a ticket and got an automatic response, no real assistance either, if I’m doing something wrong please point me on the right direction or it is intended for new level 50’s to not do the max level bfa content?


I’m having the same issue, also opened a ticket got an auto response…

lots of poeple cant get it regardless of allied race or non allied race the bfa tides of warr quest seems to be completely removed or disabled bugged out there is no possible way to start bfa content


kay little update here i maded a a human warlock i did the exile’s Reach and did NOT SKIP the stormwind tour and that gave me the tides of war quest to go to bfa lol

So they totally forgot alts that were not max level then? I have all my other alts at level 40 (previous 100) pretty much they are all doomed for now or at least doomed for leveling with cromie timewalking

no it just bugged out after the latest hotfix and blizzard is not gonna implement a hotfix for this if its just 1 issue they need a list of bugg fixes ready first before they gonna implement a hotfix to fix this as well cause for them its simply just a bugg not knowin they have a whole entire expansion unplayable current xpac as well. if we lucky this gets fixed this wednesday if we lucky but deff not earlier

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i dont want to be negative nancy but after playing the game since 2004 til the day as today i just know for a fact they know about this but will just fix it with other fixes when they them ready.

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I’m more optimistic but still agree with you lol

well hopefully this maintenance on 21st october they fix it still 3 days we have to deal with it than, its also on their twitter now posted by poeple and still no reactions outof them lol its becoming a joke and im about to give up now and just delete the game of my pc to be fair lol

They fixed it! Added the “tides of war” entry quest next to the warboard on SW so I can progress through BFA

You are right. Nice!

nice!!! thats good