see title.
i can view the general discussion forum and or any post on but the button to create a new topic or reply to any post already existing apparently is not available for me i dunno why. im signed into the site so im not sure whats going on or wrong
if you just renewed game time, try logging in and out of the site a few times.
If you don’t have game time, it’s not a bug, the only forums you can post on are the support forums.
i have game time and tried logging in /out like 4x before i decided to post here so i dunno D: i just want to add my comments to the shadowlands posts in general c.c
Do you have multiple accounts? Does the account you are posting on have game time?
yes and yes. ive never had issues posting on forums before thats why im confused. i know what you mean how it doesnt let you post on forums other than CS if you dont have game time but i have game time so im not sure why i cant post on general /shrug
My thought was the account you are using to post with doesn’t have game time as you are limited to the support forums. Have you tried using another character? Make sure to select a character from the account with game time on it to be sure.
this toon is generally the only one ive made any forum posts on since the forum was updated to its current state however long ago that was, any of the other toons on either of my accounts dont have posts on them to my knowledge anyway, i dont know what changing to another toon on either account would do as i have game time on both.
Sometimes doing that will kick the system in gear, if logging on and off the website doesn’t work.
Can you double check to see if your account has game time? if it just renewed, there might have been a hiccup and no time was added. Just erring on the side of caution.
a side note…if you are expecting a blue response here, it’s not likely gonna happen. The website dev team rarely responds to reports unless they have more questions.
Your issue would be better suited for the CS Forums, as a SFA might be able to tell the status of your account.
dnno if it makes a difference but this account previously didnt have any game time til like the other day, when i got gifted shadowlands epic edition so when i claimed that it apparently gave me game time for 30 days or so it says its packaged with.
so if the website hasnt picked that up maybe thats why but i dunno why that would stop me from using the forums
Because the forums other than these Support forums are a privilege for paying customers (i.e. with active paid game time).
and you said you tried to log out of the website and back in a couple of times? Usually when you do that, it kicks the system into gear.
Sorry for late question, but do you have a source for this? I can’t find any confirmation anywhere from blizzard.
Ah, yes, you’re right, found that one too later on yesterday.