Can't post links, even though I have the trust level

Hello, I’ve had the trust level required for posting links on this character for a long while now, as I’ve shared several links and pics on a number of character customization threads in the General Discussion forum here.

For proof, see: Human Customization Thread (which I’ve created), Void Elf Customization thread, Kul Tiran Customization Thread, and others. My last post with links took place a few days ago, and I haven’t been silenced, or disciplined over anything, nor have I had a single warning. I just want to post on my customization threads. Help would be very much appreciated.

I just checked and it looks like this character of yours is only Trust Level 2? I don’t know if they degrade if you’re not as active for a stretch, perhaps someone can answer that part better? But if you have fallen back a level, that would be why you can’t post links. I suppose the true test is if you can still see the Lounge forum for folks TL3 or higher?

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Thank you for looking into this for me, and for the information. I’ve been able to post links on this character profile since at least April.

Here’s the customization thread I created earlier this month; my last link post there was just four days ago:

And the very last link post that I’ve made was three days ago, here:

Like I said, I haven’t gotten in any trouble or been silenced or anything recently. At least, to my knowledge, and I don’t know why my trust level would suddenly be altered.

There are certain benchmarks you have to meet to be at different trust levels. This post is a bit old (and from the EU forums), but it gives you a general idea of what you need to be doing to obtain and hold each trust level:


To reach level three there is a certain amount of interaction with the site. If it’s not kept up, it may have fallen to the wayside by not reaching a certain earmark by X date, is what I’m thinking. I could be totally wrong, but that’s the best thing I’ve got.

What I would do is either edit your original post and move it to the Website Bug Forum. Or if it won’t let you, just remake this post over there. Technical Support is more for game issues rather than those with the website itself.

And just because I did go through your thread - I must admit I kind of held my breath looking through it and seeing that none of the art was being credited. Considering the amount of money I’ve spent over the years commissioning artists to create likenesses of my characters? Had I found a piece of mine mixed in those shared - even for inspiration? I would not have been a happy camper that neither the artist nor my character be named nor referenced, let alone reposted without either of our permissions. Just something to keep in mind.


Thanks again for your help, I’ll move this to the Website Bug Forum for assistance.

Also, I’ve already placed a disclaimer in the opening of the thread itself, stating that I do not own any of the work that I post, and there’s no attempt for monetary gain on my part intended; it’s all for sake of visual display of the concepts I have.

I have several friends who are artists, I do try to ensure that artists get full credit for their art, which is why I never edit their pics to remove watermarks or anything of the like, either. In other customization threads that I don’t own, I always say something to the effect of “all credit to the original artists”. I thought the blanket statement in my thread covered that, but I believe I will go back and do the same for each post. Thanks again for your help!

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To be clear, trust levels decay, as both Beaupeep and Leilleath mentioned. Frankly, I think you’re on a wild goose chase with the idea that you’ve had some unknown account action applied or that this is some kind of bug.

If you had a thread removed, hidden for being inappropriate, some kind of forum account strike for posting against the rules, etc., you would have not only seen the notification here on the forums, but received email to that effect.

Posting things here doesn’t violate copyright, otherwise the music video thread that has been going for 10+ years (since the old forums, actually) would have been shut down eleventy-million times already. Sure, individual artists might take umbrage at their personally created art being posted in a thread, but that would be rare, and the first step would be the artist visiting the thread and asking the artwork to be removed.

There is no way to flag or report a post for ‘copyrighted material’; we are allowed to post anything we can link within the confines of the code of conduct. I’ve never heard of art being removed from a thread due to an artist’s complaint.

Your trust level simply decayed below level 3 at some point between when you last had it and now. It is indeed down to the second, so while you might have had TL3 yesterday at noon, it doesn’t mean you’ll still have it today at 3:30. The trust level isn’t permanent.

Virtually every time people make this complaint, it’s because the “Must have read X number of threads in X amount of time” has decayed below the acceptable level for TL3.

You might try posting over in CS; perhaps an SFA can point out exactly which part of the TL3 requirements has decayed for you to lose level 3. I’ve seen that help happen before.

Otherwise, I’d just pick a thread or two from general that has a couple thousand responses in it, and browse it. Good luck.


Thanks so much for your info, and the breakdown of said info, I appreciate it.

I actually do worry about the artist thing, because I don’t want artists to feel I’m just jacking their stuff. Like I said, I try to note as often as I can that it isn’t my own, but on my main thread, I believe I only did it once. It’s just a ‘me’ thing, you know? I’d hire them all if I could :smiley:

I’ll just work on getting my level up again, I did take a bit of a break over the last few weeks, so that must account for the slip. I had no clue the levels could decay. Thanks again.

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