Title says it all. Can’t complete quests, constantly getting disconnected, can’t loot anything . . . Do I need to list everything? ActiMicroBlizz, fix your crap!
Semper Fi!
Title says it all. Can’t complete quests, constantly getting disconnected, can’t loot anything . . . Do I need to list everything? ActiMicroBlizz, fix your crap!
Semper Fi!
Uber driver not able to get you to where you need to go?
Semper Fortis
Ever since the update I’ve also been having issues with random in-game disconnections through Scenarios like Ember Court and Time Rifts. I don’t get kicked out, but I can’t loot some things at intervals, nor can I interact with gateways, mount up, or cast spells. Nothing seems to proc it; it just keeps happening all day.