I cannot pick up the Next Steppes quest from Alextrasza as she is no longer at the Life Pools. I did the quest below ending with the cinematic between Alextrasza and Raszageth before realizing she had additional quests to offer as she bore no mark. This puts me in a pickle; I can’t level my dragon and I have no portal back to Org. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
Bro Im having the same problem, did you manage to fix it?
Exact same problem and I came to post. I completed it and the Wrathion quests on another character. For whatever reason, these quest chains are not showing for this character. My Maruuk reputation is locked out and I cannot find a way to open it up. I have flown all over the map trying to find something!
In case someone else did this- I did not complete the quest that showed me how to change the appearance of my dragon. This is connected to the storyline quest. So don’t skip it
I did everything the hard way by leveling an alt. Yeah, I’m a bit of a masochist.
Bump. Also bugged and cannot advance.
I have this EXACT SAME PROBLEM. NO ONE HAS ANY SOLUTIONS FOR ME. IVE BEEN TRYING TO CONTINUE MY CAMPAIGN QUESTS FOR OVER A WEEK NOW!?!?!?! How are there no solutions for this yet??!?!?!? I shouldn’t have to try this hard to GET A QUEST to CONTINUE MY CAMPAIGN FOR A GAME I PAID FOR AND CONTINUE TO PAY MONTHLY FEES FOR!?!? I’ve made tickets. I’ve researched endlessly. This is preposterous. Can someone please f****g help me so I can actually enjoy the game I’ve paid way too much money into!??!?!?!?!? WTF.