Can't make Primal Mooncloth

I wanted to max all expansion sets in Tailoring on my shal’dorei, but I have hit a wall with Primal Mooncloth. Seeing I didn’t know the Primal Mooncloth belt for transmog, I bought the materials on the AH and went … to every moonwell I can safely get to. Vanilla, Outlands, Northrend. People posted Darnassus still works, but I’m horde. Other people posted as of 9.0, Cenarion Thicket no longer works. I also tried there myself. No, it won’t work. Moonwell remains red and I can’t hit any buttons. Please help, as I don’t have a high level alliance tailor, one, and two, I want to make the materials on my HORDE character to level him.

Edit: Funny how a GM moved me from customer support to Professions when it’s a GAME issue, not an asking for player assistance … headdesk

Second edit: I switched from Blizzard’s crafting UI to TSM’s UI in desperation and … I can craft Primal mooncloth in Cenarion Refuge’s moonwell!

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It wouldn’t have been a GM who moved the thread, as those are ONLY available via ticket and do NOT handle forum moderation. It would have been a member of the forum moderation team or a Support Forum Agent (SFA) who moved the thread.

Also, the forums are not a means of contacting Blizzard, they are meant as a way for players to interact with each other. Granted the Customer Support Forum does have SFAs to help assist with questions concerning game access/ billing questions, etc. However, Customer Support has no impact on how the game is designed.

Glad to see you are getting the Cenarion Refuge one to work again.

It has been a while since I took my Tailors out to craft Mooncloth and haven’t visited all of the moonwells yet. Perhaps I should do that soon.

Apologies about the anger. I haven’t really posted on these forums in a long time. It used to be the GMs themselves who would move posts about. Times have changed, indeed. But now that I know it’s a bug in Blizzard’s UI, I can use TSM to finish my professions for now and tell fellow tailors. <3

Please post in the Bug Report forum about this issue so that QA can be made aware of it.

No apology needed, frustration is understandable.