Cant login, keep getting disconnected?

That the servers crashed? It wasn’t done purposefully. Some of you act like blizz is out to get us or something lol.

If the developers can’t be bothered with the last weekly patch of DF, how can we trust them with the pre-patch for TWW?

This is what happens when you hire people based on the boxes they check, not their knowledge, skill, and abilities.

Same issue. I can make it to the character selection but when I try to load up it loads about 3/4 of the way and just sits until D/C

Guess I’ll actually work instead of just pretending now. :frowning:


Yeah same it seems everyone is having this problem. it usually dont take them to long to fix

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Same here, Can get past the loading screen


Same here. Screen frozen. I logged out. Can’t get back in on any character (Malfurion server)

Same here, character numbers wont show on servers either.

Have you tried messaging them on X?

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Slow and/or unable to logins. Keep getting disconnected.

Did a scan and repair and it let me back in maybe try that

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Login gets to like 80%, freezes up, and then disconnects.

Zzzzzzz please fix your stuff Blizzard. :frowning:

Yep, same here. Just “logged out” and came back to find my toon still sitting there. Couldn’t move, couldn’t log out, couldn’t exit the game. Had to shut it down and now I get “A character with that name already exists” and logs me back out.

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same here says that my characters already exsist loading screen doesnt load or if it does it disconects me

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Do vendors or quest givers react to your interactions? I could click on them but they just stood there.

Yeah, same here, with the “A character with that name already exists” too.

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just did, waiting on a reply

Same it like goes all the way to about to open up the game then stops and is stuck

Same here, just came to the forums to see if anyone else was having issue’s.

Meanwhile Iska is probably spawning right now with my Mawrat in his loot table

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