Cant login, keep getting disconnected?

Tyvm for letting us know.

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having same issue

What’s the point of a DDOS attack on Blizzard?

Other than ruining the game for people I don’t see the point

Not saying it isn’t happening, I just don’t get why someone would put in all that effort. What do they get out of it?

Same. Getting an WOW51900319 Error Code

you are the reason this is happening bro ;D

Yep - on Zul’jin and happening for the last 15 minutes.

tree fiddy


Sitting next to my AC running full fan speed 68 degrees fahrenheit with my daughter, eating ice chips while it’s 110 degrees outside. :cold_face:


oh im glad its not just me. selfish as that is. i was wondering if I had to fix yet another linux issue. :expressionless:

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I am having the same issue



I need a huggywuggy. I wanted to play a druid.


Yep, same here but for 15 years that I have been playing, it happens often


What am I supposed to do now? Touch grass???


The game is dead in the water right now, you can not log on to any toon on any server, a big zero. Nothing gets in, you get disconnected pop up. Hello, blizzard, don’t you have employees on 2nd shift? Why no support. This is bad all around.


It happens. It’s tech, it’s like a tradition after all these decades.


What is this grass you speak off… I have only ever touched the smooth surface of plastic with this lil ol fingers of mine…

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yeah at first I was stuck in just loading the toons and realms…now i can pick a toon but fails to login to game and auto disconnects you

They attempted attacking the wrong one. Should of went after the defective one

Getting Error (WOW51900319), Disconnected From Server and Character with that name already exist.

Have had a ticket in with Support team for the past 45mins with no reply.

Looks like they started Tuesdays maintenance this evening.