Can't log into Stress Test

Getting small que but still says offline

Might as well just have it redirect to Twitch instead of showing that the servers are offline.

Do we just wait at server list for servers to come online or spam reconnect til they do?

I’m spamming reconnect lol


I just posted a topic on the forum, but it got pushed down. When you all log in, have you been asked to authenticate? I haven’t. Didn’t know if this was supposed to happen.

Gotta love them 2005 computer boot times.

Already 2 mins late… This is stressing me out!


Do you think they have gone full retro and used 2004 server hardware as well?

Yeah, just gonna keep logging in. :smiley:

Three hours later…

You still aren’t missing much. The Classic Stress Test (PVP) realm is greyed out, at least for the peons.


Time to apply the stress.


Says offline for me too.

Are the streamers in yet?

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Blizzard have to get their special little snowflakes ie streamers, time to log on first.

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Grabs some popcorn and watched the thread


Ques are short but still offline…


Well it took all of 4 minutes for the conspiracies to start.

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Deja vu…

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Will I get on before the stress test is over? I didn’t last time.

Come one Blizz! Let us IIIIIIIN!