Can't log into Stress Test

Seems like last time select my character then im stuck at 80% on load screen. :smile:

Who has Login Boss interrupts?


I want a video of what HQ looks like right now. Are they going nuts in Red Alert mode trying to get the game back? Or are they leisurely strolling the office floor, drinking coffee and eating a bagel they stole from the cafeteria?


It does my friend

You underestimate those of us who dont work regular hours. Lol


Want to group?
Been stuck trying to fight it myself for a bit now! Don’t think I can solo it.

Character screen, then I restarted and now stuck on retrieving realms

Stuck on Loggining Into Server screen at the moment

“Hunter pop Heroism.”

(This was actually said to me, a Survival, for sure not BM, Hunter, today.)


Fair, I mean we are killing the server now as it is…

Little piggy, little piggy! Let me come in!

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Okay good, so it’s not missing its top half like it was last time. Excellent.

Thank you.

I can’t get past this elite on my own!

One low level sweating half bald guy with glasses that keep slipping down his nose is working feverishly, everyone else is laughing and drinking lattes.


I can heal if anyone needs a healer

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Dun worry bout the hair on yer chinny chin chin!

…Still stuck btw.

Very true, stuck on logging into game server

Stuck on Logging in at around 80%, Gonna wait it out.

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I’m at Retrieving character list. Just a spinning ball and I can’t click anything.

Im just going to say this…This is still the most fun ive had all day :grin: